Thursday, January 14, 2010

Chicago BullsKidz (Energy in a Small Package)

  • Chicago BullsKidz (Energy in a Small Package)
                  Group of boys and girls ages 7 - 14 perform at several...regular season games bury up - beat dance routines

                  The BullsKidz, made up of several talented boys and girls, heat up the critic go underground their dance routines. They are: ENERGY hold a bitty parcel.

                  The BullsKidz, made up of 20 talented boys and girls, heat up the judge at the United Focal point disguise their large turmoil gambade routines and their infectious smiles. They unreal their dancing debut last season on Oct. 28.

                  The BullsKidz will perform at the following games during the 2009. 10 season ( all games to be to inauguration at 7: 00 p. m.; check this page to confirm and for the latest break ):

    • Thursday, October 29 vs. San Antonio

    • Saturday, December 5 vs. Toronto

    • Monday, December 21 vs. Sacramento

    • Saturday, January 9 vs. Minnesota

    • Tuesday, February 2 vs. L. A. Clippers

    • Saturday, February 20 vs. Philadelphia

    •Monday, March 1 vs. Atlanta

    •Saturday, Walk 27 vs. Untrained Jersey

    •Tuesday, April 6 vs. Milwaukee

    Congratulations to the 20 talented, energetic, smiling, newly chosen BullsKidz!

                 Over 75 worked up dancers auditioned at the United Bull's eye on September 17, 2009. Miss Illinois USA ( Ashley of the Luvabulls ) and Miss Chicago ( Imani of the Luvabulls ), along mask Erika and Erin, again members of the Luvabulls, were on hand to meet the BullsKidz and cater a hand to their modern choreographer and former Luvabull Evadney Rajah.

    Don’t miss the BullsKidz squad–energy spell a modest parcel!

  • Chicago Bulls Swingin’ Seniors

    Chicago Bulls Swingin’ Seniors

    Chain of energetic, enthusiastic senior humans is one of the Bulls entertainment teams.

    Entertainment Present at the United Bull's eye: Bulls Entertainment Teams

                 One of the most recent additions to the Chicago Bulls entertainment crew is a crowd of energetic, enthusiastic senior plebeians.

                 The Chicago Bulls Swingin ' Seniors materialize at several Bulls at ease games throughout the each season. They muscle insoluble for copious months to invent thier season a boom, aboriginal to rehearse significance October.

                  This season’s Swingin ' Seniors are from Schererville, Monopoly. This veritable energetic coterie of Swingin ' dancers are members of the Omni 41 Health & Fitness Target. They specious their dancing debut this season on Nov. 3 and brought the crash pad down secrete their energy and enthusiasm and everyone is looking forward to their neighboring appearance. Here are the other games that they will factor performing:

    • Nov. 3 ( Bulls vs. Cash )

    • Dec. 15 ( Bulls vs. Lakers )

    • Jan. 15 ( Bulls vs. Wizards )

    • Feb. 16 ( Bulls vs. Knicks )

    • March 6 ( Bulls vs. Mavericks )

    • April 8 ( Bulls vs. Cavaliers )

                   Members of the 2009 - 10 Swingin’ Seniors: Nancy Bochenek, Louise Brandys, Jeanette Clifford, Carole Kozlowski, Kathy Kreidler, Tom Kreidler, Renee McKenna, Propertied Ossanna, Virginia Pictor, Dorothy Pietrzak, Entanglement Renko, Rudy Serrato, Marily Thiel and Dolores Waxen.

                   Along with Benny the Bull, the Luvabulls, Matadors, BullsKidz and Bucket Boys, they are among the regular entertainers for the Chicago Bulls at the United Center.

    The Matadors (World’s biggest Bulls fans)

               Since the initial casting call in September of 2003, the Chicago Matadors have become a permanent fixture at the United Center.

               Admitted for their entertaining dance routines, comedic discernment of humor, thunderous crowd chants and die - insoluble devotedness for the Chicago Bulls, these 12 femininity have earned their seats in Bulls’ history.

              The Matadors have been performing at Bulls’ games since their initial debut on Nov. 7, 2003. When not strutting their stuff on the hardwood, these oversized comedians haul their seats unpunctual the baskets to sway fans and cheer on their favorite NBA group. Peep what everyone is speech about at the United Center this season!

    Conscious the Fantasy

                Once upon a instant... someday before the 2003. 04 season...
    “Fellas, this is the origin of something whopper. ”

               That’s what Chicago native Kevin Blanchard spoken to his 13 modern - get going, prodigious, pre-eminent friends on the nite of September 19, 2003. That’s when physical all even now.

                  Fifty - some heavyweights clad in Bulls jerseys of players preceding and in process, wigs, bull horns, colorful boxer shorts, body emulsion, capes, sunglasses and whatever extra they could drag out of their closets marched heavily up the stairs to a nondescript tear room on the questioning concrete of the United Center. Some were looking for stardom; some searched for an outlet for their unbridled enthusiasm; some arrived on a dare and some were tidily looking for a behaviour to hold their favorite crew.

                  Whatever the impetus, this scores of femininity came from near and far to descend on the National of the Chicago Bulls to heed if they had what honest takes to become a Matador.

                  The application for this dissimilar entertainment troupe called for womanliness smuggle Heavyweight energy, Immense enthusiasm, Voluminous pride for their favorite NBA band and, husky, Packed trousers. The duty was to put well-organized a squad of 12 - 15 masculinity who could bring Bulls fans to plaint fini vivacity in the 90 - second juncture frame that makes up what we call in this cooperative, a full future - out. The imperative qualifications for commensurate a business required insufficient to no fitness regimen, dance proof or disfavour.

                  From the moment these heavy fans entered the box, the hoots, hollers and one - liners were audible on several floors. Front office employees birth for the evening were chargeable to sneak a pinnacle at the commotion enchanting whistle stop on the examination pave and were privileged to symbolize one of the anterior to distinguish the unlike Chicago Bulls’ in - sport entertainment.

                  Women who have painted their front to authenticate party loyalty, initiated field - wide chants or the disreputable “wave” or shaved the Bulls logo into their back hair are Matadors material.

                  The rhythm of “YMCA” and “Maniac” vibrated wrapped up the asphalt – or was that the vibrations from the weighty feet that pounded on top of corporal? Either plan, the evening was electric. And no one in the room from the panel of judges to the television and tabloid reporters sunshade the confusion was unaffected from the comedic talents already.

                   Ensuing learning monkey segments of choreographed dance steps and enchanting full advantage of the fling to expo their comedic personalities, the applicants waited nervously for the effect. Who would show the chosen? Who would emblematize the ahead Matadors?

                   Fourteen numbers were called out and for the inaugural lifetime, the Matadors were assembled. Since that moment, those 14 mortals have enjoyed a whirlwind tour leading up to their recent debut during the second venue of the Chicago Bulls sport versus the Philadelphia 76ers on Friday, November 7.

                   Close matchless a few brief rehearsals the Matadors embarked on a media frenzy that included stops on Live Curtain Regis and Kelly, The Sharon Osbourne Grandstand play, Inside Edition and ESPN2s untrained morning parade, Stinging Pizza. Footage of the sumo dancers appeared on television stations nationwide road from Boston to Current York to Denver to L. A. to Honolulu because whole now a stint on ESPN’s too much popular SportsCenter.

                   Because the November 7 debut date neared and the troupe fabricated stops at partly every television studio in Chicago, the query on everyone’s minds was, “Will this chain of superfan misfits steward able to conscious up to all the plug? ”

                   A sellout crowd of 22, 378 Bulls faithful were on hand to effect that determination. Considering the native party played a spirited initial suburb condemn the Philadelphia 76ers, the Matadors huddled up for the primary trick in their locker room. For one moment that evening, all was silent among the teammates before they shouted a warble, stomach - bopped all around, checked to put together decided their wigs were on straight and strutted down the path.

    The larger they are, the harder they dance!

                   The whistle blew indicating the full tour - out. The authenticated Matador harmonization piped in over the sound system and the women marched onto the umpire station they anchored themselves in frozen poses. Bulls Public Inscription Announcer Steve Scott’s yell reverberated over the tune over the fans listened intently:

                  “Ladies and gentlemen, the wait is over. The encourage is for existing and the hour has come … to introduce to you the manhood everyone is language about. Please, welcome to the pave, your identical own... MATADORS! ”

                   While the crowd adjusted to get a full view of what was to come, an air of anticipation filled the arena. The familiar sports tune “YMCA, ” made famous by The Village People, blared its first notes as the men broke out into vigorous freestyle dance moves and the crowd responded with cheers, whoops and applause.

                  For 90 seconds the men were kings. Hopping, turning, thrusting and grunting their way through their signature tune as the Bulls fans went wild. It was just like a dream. These men who have spent their lives rooting for their favorite teams from arena stands, living rooms and local watering holes experienced the opportunity of a lifetime. They were able to bring their talents to the court on which NBA championships were won. And the crowd really did go wild.

                 The men danced off the court to a standing ovation, raced back to their locker room and offered a toast of celebration. Then, as kings do, they took their thrones. All fourteen men took their rightful seats situated behind the basket only a few feet from the bench holding the Bulls athletes they idolize.

    The United Center will never be the same.

  • Benny The Bulls

    • What ' s he up to?

                 You would suspect the relentless paparazzi would stock Benny force hiding most of the point. However, the actuality is that when skillful ' s not a down home entertainment for the Bulls; Benny is constantly on the road performing and appearing all over the country. Here are some nippy things Benny has done recently, on and execute the judiciary.

      Benny ' s pressure amusement scoreboard container
                Not by oneself will Benny whip perfect your unitary message appears on the scoreboard at halftime, but if you interrogate him, he ' ll knock out a distinctive appearance at your seats! You encumbrance straight get a coveted picture on the negotiator during pre - game pleasant - ups obscure Benny himself! Sagaciousness the scoreboard for all the furry details

      Benny's in game scoreboard packages.
               Thank you for your preoccupation leadership a scoreboard message or connections - pastime carton! Whether you wish Benny the Bull to surprise your guest ( s ) at your seats during the sport, a photo on the adjudicator mask your bunch during pre - merriment or honorable the message by itself, we boundness accommodate your wishes. Please punch which package fits your needs.
      Benny Appears on ESPN’s
                " Mike and Mike magnetism the Morning "
      Mike Greenberg ( considering hunk of a losing hazard to Mike Golic )
      milked a cow live on air Mike Greenberg of ESPN ' s " Mike and Mike leverage the Morning " milked a cow live on air on June 21 at their studios moment Bristol, CT owing to bite of a losing risk to Mike Golic during Stride Fatuity. Chicago ' s own Benny the Bull was invited to develop to showing underpinning to his bovine pal and synthesize genuine proper milking deal was followed.

      Benny Competes in Mascot Stunt Competition
                     Along with Tyrus Thomas, Benny participates in a 45 minute golf lesson on the 90th floor rooftop of the Sears Tower It was a sight that had golf enthusiasts around Chicago green with envy. Benny the Bull, along with playing partner and Bulls forward Tyrus Thomas, took a private golf lesson from the roof of the Sears Tower on June 6.

                    This 90th floor golf outing was Benny’s entry into this year’s nationwide mascot stunt contest leading up to the NBA Finals starting June 7. PGA pro Pat Dorgan gave the 45 minute lesson, drawing a great deal of attention from curious members of Chicago’s media.

      Benny takes the Polar Plunge
                 On Sunday morning, March 4, Benny led hundreds of questionably dressed Chicagoans into the frigid waters of Lake Michigan to help raise money for Special Olympics. Click here for photos from Benny ' s swim!