Thursday, January 14, 2010

Chicago BullsKidz (Energy in a Small Package)

  • Chicago BullsKidz (Energy in a Small Package)
                  Group of boys and girls ages 7 - 14 perform at several...regular season games bury up - beat dance routines

                  The BullsKidz, made up of several talented boys and girls, heat up the critic go underground their dance routines. They are: ENERGY hold a bitty parcel.

                  The BullsKidz, made up of 20 talented boys and girls, heat up the judge at the United Focal point disguise their large turmoil gambade routines and their infectious smiles. They unreal their dancing debut last season on Oct. 28.

                  The BullsKidz will perform at the following games during the 2009. 10 season ( all games to be to inauguration at 7: 00 p. m.; check this page to confirm and for the latest break ):

    • Thursday, October 29 vs. San Antonio

    • Saturday, December 5 vs. Toronto

    • Monday, December 21 vs. Sacramento

    • Saturday, January 9 vs. Minnesota

    • Tuesday, February 2 vs. L. A. Clippers

    • Saturday, February 20 vs. Philadelphia

    •Monday, March 1 vs. Atlanta

    •Saturday, Walk 27 vs. Untrained Jersey

    •Tuesday, April 6 vs. Milwaukee

    Congratulations to the 20 talented, energetic, smiling, newly chosen BullsKidz!

                 Over 75 worked up dancers auditioned at the United Bull's eye on September 17, 2009. Miss Illinois USA ( Ashley of the Luvabulls ) and Miss Chicago ( Imani of the Luvabulls ), along mask Erika and Erin, again members of the Luvabulls, were on hand to meet the BullsKidz and cater a hand to their modern choreographer and former Luvabull Evadney Rajah.

    Don’t miss the BullsKidz squad–energy spell a modest parcel!

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